Suzanne Baker Brownon February 8, 2016 at 11:05 pm
When I was at the Aglow International Conference in Indianapolis, I heard there was an international prayer call on Monday nights. I signed up to get the information and I started getting a monthly prayer target email, but no information on the call itself. Is there something like this? Or is there a US one?
Thank you for this beautiful demo. This is very helpful, and I’ve learned more of how I can explore the information available here to help make my prayer for the world more relevant.
When I was at the Aglow International Conference in Indianapolis, I heard there was an international prayer call on Monday nights. I signed up to get the information and I started getting a monthly prayer target email, but no information on the call itself. Is there something like this? Or is there a US one?
Thank you for this beautiful demo. This is very helpful, and I’ve learned more of how I can explore the information available here to help make my prayer for the world more relevant.